
  1. Thanks for your post Connie! Just finished the first week of my senior year in a DPD program and I can already feel the uphill struggle to keep a weight neutral approach a part of the conversation. I would love the chance to look over the lit review you did if you’re interested in sharing!

  2. I think I need so much more of that time for self care and reflection and study, because I still feel really intimidated about sharing my perspective of health at every size, intuitive eating, and getting away from diet culture. I usually just keep my opinions to myself, and though I feel pretty solid in them myself, I would like to bless others and try to help change the conversation. God really worked on me and showed me that intuitive eating is the way He made us, and I want to share that with others; sometimes I’m not quite sure how to do it, but I would love to find more women locally or on FaceBook that I could get advice from! Thank you Connie for this reminder that we need that support.

  3. Hi Robyn. I want to thank you for sharing on this platform. I’m so happy to have found your youtube, which led me to your blog and instagram.

    I am on my path to healing … for real this time.
    I couldn’t agree more with this: “I saw (what felt like) everyone else engaging in diet behavior around me.” Somedays this goes over my head, and others I find it to be triggering. But with everything else, this is something i’m working on!
    It seems that diet culture is everywhere, on social media to a good friend.
    I like to remind myself, without apologizing if this may sound narcissistic, that another cannot compare to me.
    I can admire someone else’s physical appearance, manners of living, eating habits, work out routines … while honouring my own.
    And if someone is reading, please keep this in mind too!

    The internet is bittersweet.

  4. Thank you for sharing your journey, Connie! It’s inspiring to see how you’re navigating the challenges of intuitive eating and finding support. Speaking of connecting with others, have you checked out omegle new? It’s a great way to meet new people who might share similar experiences and insights. Keep pushing forward!

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